City builds climate

… shaping change” – this was the theme of the general meeting of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Cities on 21 and 22 July 2022 in the SNP dome, which is located right next to the showcase project in terms of CO2 neutrality and sustainability – the Bahnstadt. The event itself was obviously planned and carried out in a completely CO2-neutral and resource-saving way. The venue itself is an example of passive construction methods, reusable coffee cups and salad boxes were used, and vegetarian catering offered fresh culinary choices.

Supervised by event managers and project managers from Heidelberg Congress, two days of exchanges, panel discussions, and workshops focused on the local energy transition, climate-related guidelines for municipal building projects, climate neutrality of municipalities, and much more. On the first day of the meeting of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Cities, the common goal was already visible: more speed in the expansion of renewable energies and energy saving. At the same time, however, there were warnings against overtaxing the municipalities.

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann (The Greens), agreed with this tenor. In his speech, he spoke of a great challenge, stretching that many municipalities urgently needed to catch up in the expansion of renewable energies. “These are big tasks for you,” he called out to the head mayors and mayors at the meeting.

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